Barrio Viejo

Located just south of Downtown Tucson, the quaint & walkable neighborhood Barrio Viejo features 100+ year old adobe homes and businesses. If you walk around in the mornings or weekends you may see people with easels painting or people getting their portraits taken in front of doors.

Businesses located in Barrio Viejo

5 Points Market & Restaurant - Instagram @5pointstucson - Yelp Breakfast & Lunch Restaurant with Market & Wine Shop

Bar Crisol - Instagram @barcrisoltucson Mezcal-focused Bar

Bon - Instagram @bontucson - Yelp Home, Garden and Clothing Store

Cafe Desta - Instagram @cafedesta - Yelp Ethiopian and Eritrean Restaurant

Etherton Gallery - Instagram @ethertongallery - Yelp Fine Art Photography

EXO Roast Co - Instagram @exoroastco - Yelp Coffee Shop

Meyer Avenue Cafe - Instagram @meyeravenuecafe - Yelp Daytime Cafe & Mercantile

Nightjar - Instagram @nightjartucson - Yelp Old World Pub with Food & Drinks

Studio Rick Joy - Instagram @studiorickjoy World Renowned Architect

The Coronet - Instagram @the_coronet - Yelp International Cuisine Restaurant
